SCAIR takes over SCRM where ERP systems stop

Some ERP systems, such as SAP, JD Edwards and Dynamics have very strong Supply Chain functionality, however do not focus on the SCRM issues addresses by SCAIR.

Whilst ERP systems manage the resources, SCAIR translates the financial impacts and is a very cost effective method of interpreting the outputs from ERP systems into valuable management information for mitigating the impact of supply chain failures.

Who uses SCAIR, our Risk Management Software?

SCAIR, our award winning Supply Chain Risk Management software is in use by a number of global organisations who understand the criticality of their supply chains and want to protect themselves against their disruption.

Contact us to discuss how SCAIR can help you improve your supply chain resilience.

Major business interruption events challenge the robustness of global supply chains

2010 – a year of surprises? Or was it all pretty predictable?

2010 started uncomfortably for certain organisations with freezing Eurostar trains stuck in the Channel Tunnel and the threat of Pandemic flu still just lurking just over the horizon. April brought disruption for many more companies with the volcanic ash cloud casting an impenetrable shadow over the movement of goods and people in Europe. Car production lines came to a standstill when critical components were failing to arrive ‘just-in-time’.

Such headline grabbing events are always followed with the inevitable probing questions:
• Should these organisations have been better prepared for such eventualities?
• Where were their contingency plans?

The defence is invariably that “these acts of God were unforeseeable”. Is that acceptable in the current age of “if it can go wrong, it will”? After all, we live in a world that does not tolerate disruption – there’s no room for slippage in our modern, just- in-time existences.

This provided a topic for discussion on Radio 4’s ‘The Bottom Line’ a couple of weeks ago. Their general conclusion seemed to be plan for the ‘FORSEEABLE’ (aka freezing trains), but don’t waste your time planning for the UNFORSEEABLE (aka Ash clouds). If you don’t respond well to the Forseeable then you look silly - the Unforseeable you can get away with.

Well, there is a parallel argument that goes something along the lines of 'plan for the effect rather than the cause'. There is no point in trying to plan for every single unforseeable scenario (cause), but there is a great deal of value in planning for the impact of the unknown threat ( the effect). Analysing the impact focuses risk mitigating actions on the most exposed areas.

Business Insurance 2010 Innovation Award for Supply Chain Risk Management Software

Intersys joined 7 highly respected companies in New York to accept awards from Business Insurance, who recognised SCAIR, our 'Supply Chain Analysis of Interruption Risks' software as bringing innovation to the insurance industry.

SCAIR is used by insurers to help transparently determine Value At Risk for Business Interruption insurance for manufacturing clients.

The awards were decided by an independent panel of Risk Management professionals.

Catherine Geyman accepted the award for Intersys and was joined on stage by Neil Campbell of Jardine Lloyd Thompson.

Supply Chain Interruption Software Demonstration

If you're a Risk Manager, Supply Chain Professional or just someone concerned with the health of your manufacturing functions, how can you be sure you have fully considered your supply chain vulnerabilities?

Our software, SCAIR: Supply Chain Analysis of Interruption Risks, helps you fully analyse the risks to your business, and ensured you have considered mitigating correctly against profit variations caused by Supply Chain Interruptions.

Click here for a walk through demonstration of the software.

For more information, call Catherine Geyman on 0845 094 8925 or contact us online.

Supply Chain backup plans, weak links and Acts Of God.

It pays to have supply chain backup plans, providing you know what to back up.
SCAIR® helps you improve supply chain risk decision making. The outputs from SCAIR® enable you to quantify the impact of critical supply point failure on your bottom line, helping formulation of appropriate continuity plans and increased levels of preparedness should the unthinkable happen.

Having a weak link in your supply chain isn't a problem. If you know where it lies.
SCAIR® makes supply chain exposures - and their remedies - obvious. Failure to fully understand the vulnerabilities in your supply chain could result in damaging business interruption. This can be avoided by holding strategic inventory or evaluating alternatives. SCAIR® enables a cost benefit analysis of the value of investing in contingency plans against the value at risk.

'Acts of God' don't cut it with the board
SCAIR® helps you keep your supply chains running. In an increasingly dynamic, global business environment, maintaining continuity of supply is the key. Understanding the value at risk at each point in your supply chain will enable you to focus on your critical vulnerabilities. SCAIR® guides you through a detailed analysis of your exposures and calculates the impact of single supply point failures across your product portfolio.